
The Mother’s Day Present You Really Want:  Advice from Moms Who’ve Been There

The Mother’s Day Present You Really Want: Advice from Moms Who’ve Been There

Mother's Day This Mother's Day, we wanted to share the most valuable advice we received as parents. We know that caregiving can be hard. Of course, we are grateful for our children and love them unconditionally; this isn't about them (even though it is actually all about them) but about us Moms! We know we can learn from each other's experiences. How can you make little changes that will significantly impact your experience as a mom? Listen to these tips and tricks, shared by mothers at all stages, and see if any are a good fit for you! What we...

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The Magic of Playhouses: Benefits for Kids on Every Place of the Spectrum

The Magic of Playhouses: Benefits for Kids on Every Place of the Spectrum

Understanding The Spectrum As people, we all fall somewhere on the spectrum of human development. Neurodivergence is a non-medical term used to describe people whose mental or neurological function deviates from typical development. In the past, people may have used the words "normal" or "abnormal" to describe someone's development, but we know today that language plays a crucial role in inclusivity, which is why we use more appropriate terms to capture the wide array of development that humans experience. Using "person-first" language is one way to ensure that the whole person is being considered and that they are not defined...

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Mindful Moments: Finding Peace in Screen-Free Creativity

Mindful Moments: Finding Peace in Screen-Free Creativity

Mindful Moments As with many caregivers these days, we feel like we are constantly walking on a tightrope and balancing work and school schedules, healthy meals, extracurricular activities, and running a home, all while trying to fit in social and leisure activities and get enough sleep. Raising young children is a continuous juggling act: prioritizing the most critical items while simultaneously completing a never-ending to-do list. It is almost comical how many things modern parents need to consider these days with children, so we've recently decided to focus on simplification. We've been unplugging and resetting to find peace for ourselves...

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Last Minute Earth Day Ideas That Will Make A Big Impact

Last Minute Earth Day Ideas That Will Make A Big Impact

Earth Day 2024 is around the corner. On Monday, April 22nd, people around the globe will take action to improve the state of our planet. Organizations will raise awareness, organize large clean-ups, and fundraise to make a difference and improve the health of our planet. We can all agree that taking steps to ensure the planet is healthier is an important endeavor. The health of the Earth directly affects our lives as well as the future of our children. We can also agree that while we care about the planet, we are busy parents whose plates are often full. Since...

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